November 2023
What we did
Brand building / Raising awareness / Product promotion / Film / Social

Enticing visitors to Come to Life in the South Island

Come to Life 30-second hero film

We developed brand positioning and a creative video storytelling campaign to communicate the perspective-shifting magic of RealNZ tourism experiences in the South Island of New Zealand.


When RealNZ brought all its tourism experiences under one strong brand, they wanted a way to communicate their identity and the overall value RealNZ deliver to people considering a visit to the south of the South Island. Relying on the specific location of an experience isn’t always effective — particularly as it can accidentally attract people to competitors operating in the same places. How could RealNZ’s unique values and expertise play more of a role in attracting people to visit with them?   


We developed brand positioning and a creative campaign to celebrate things highly valued by both RealNZ and the target audience. Care for nature, exploring, and making the most of life became the stars of the show in a campaign called Come to Life. In video and still photography we show how RealNZ experiences connect people with the wonders of natural life, and reconnect people to their own vitality. 

Bucking trends in tourism marketing, Come to Life moves well away from sweeping drone landscapes and earnest voiceovers. From the massive to the miniscule, we see the many ways that exploring with RealNZ brings you to life — a deeper breath, a chance encounter, the power of nature like you’ve never seen it before. Dynamic interactions between people, environments, creatures and the elements tell a story of all-encompassing tourism experiences that refresh you to the core. 


This campaign is in the early stages of its rollout throughout New Zealand and beyond, and includes a 30-second hero film, 30-second films for RealNZ’s Doubtful Sound and Earnslaw experiences, a range of cutdowns for use across brand platforms, events and paid media, stills, and design guidelines to reflect Come to Life across RealNZ touchpoints.

30 second experience films for Doubtful Sound and Earnslaw
Selection of 6-second cutdowns
15-second cutdowns
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