Department of Conservation
March 2020
What we did
Behaviour change / Raising awareness / Film / Social

Helping to create a predator free Aotearoa

Predator Free 2050 hero video

Helping DOC inspire New Zealanders to work together to create a predator free Aotearoa by 2050.


The Department of Conservation came to us for video content to help launch its Predator Free by 2050 strategy (PF2050). To ensure public and private support is maintained for the next 30 years, DOC needed to get New Zealanders to consider the PF2050 goal a national priority. How do we create an emotional connection for everyday Kiwis to understand the importance and value of achieving PF2050?


A 30-year goal can be hard to grasp, especially when the threat of climate change looms large and means that for many of us looking too far ahead can feel very overwhelming. To make this long-term goal accessible and to inspire hope not fear, we created a hero film that features a range of advocates, each with their own motivations for and visions of a pest-free Aotearoa. Despite all being different, these advocates share something in common - a desire to see Aotearoa’s wildlife and bush return to health, with this collective passion to make PF2050 possible filtering through to inspire our audience.


The hero video and cutdowns were a key element of DOC’s national launch for PF2050, with the films used across paid media, owned brand channels and at events to engage and inspire New Zealanders with the vision of a predator free Aotearoa.

Social cutdowns
Social cutdowns
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